Vittorino Andreoli remembers Ilario Fioravanti: “He was a child who marveled at everything” / Rubicone / Home
14 novembre 2022
Aula magna of theAcademy of Philopatridae of Savignano sul Rubicone crowded yesterday morning, Sunday 13 November, to remember the architect and artist Ilario Fioravantione hundred years after birth and ten years after death.
After the donation to the Academy of a rediscovered portrait of don Lorenzo Fantozziillustrious nineteenth-century Savignanese, and a memory of the academics who died in the last year by the secretary Edoardo Turchithe professor Vittorino Andreolia friend of Fioravanti and, like him, an honorary academic, spoke on the theme “Ilario Fioravanti and the Academy of the Philopatrians, house of memory”.
Andreoli wanted to dwell “on Fioravanti’s human greatness, not on his artistic one”. “Ilario – he said – was a baby that he marveled at everything, even at what he himself was doing. He was a simple person, humble, but not modest. She was very fragile. Fragility is not weakness: it is the perception of one’s limits and the need for others. In this Adele she was for him wife, teacher, friend and even a little mother “.
The psychiatrist then focused on library by Fioravanti: “He liked to read and learn new things. He loved the myth, Dante in the Comedy illustrated by Dorè, the Bible, the dictionary of the Italian language, poets and even comics. He was a man of the imagination, he looked ahead, always attentive to transcendent and to the sacred “.